8. The Consummation of the Age, the Destruction of the World, and the End of the Church
I have often heard the conversation of angels with new spirits, and once about the consummation of the age and the destruction of the world. And because those new spirits had hitherto known nothing of heaven and of hell nor of the life of man after death, nor of any other sense of the Word than the literal, they gave responses void of reason and full of paradoxes. They said that by the consummation of the age they understood the destruction of the world; by the coming of the Lord then, His appearing with the angels in a cloud; by the Last Judgment, sentences decreeing salvation and damnation upon all the dead after their resurrection from the grave. When the angels had heard these things they asked with smiling countenance, two or three times, whether the spirits said these things from faith of heart which is believed to be the truth; or from historical faith, which in itself is tradition from others, or from the indulgence of the imagination. To these questions the new guests replied with indignation, "What have we said from the indulgence of the imagination, or from mere tradition? Are not these things truths revealed in the Word? They must be of faith of heart." When these things were said, the angels courteously answered, "It does no harm for you to believe thus, but that it is not so, you shall hereafter be instructed."