7. When they have heard these things the angels say, "Welcome, we will show something new, that you have not known, nor have you believed before, namely this, that every man lives a man after death, in a body altogether as he had lived before." To these things the novitiate spirits reply, "This is not possible. Whence has he a body? Does it not lie with all things of it dead in the grave?" To these things the angels respond merrily, "We will demonstrate it to your sight." And they say, "Are you not men in perfect form? Look at yourselves and touch yourselves; and yet you have departed from the natural world. That you have not known this before now is because the first state of life after death is altogether like the last state of life before death." On hearing these things the new guests are astonished and exclaim from joy of heart, "Thanks be to God that we are alive, and that death has not extirpated us!" I have often heard novitiates instructed in this manner concerning their life after death, and have seen them gladdened on account of their resurrection.