Athanasian Creed (Worcester) n. 208

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208. (Let the Lord's words to Peter be brought forward, where He thrice said "Lovest thou me, Simon Peter?" And yet he did not follow the Lord, but John followed Him. These things were said, because by "Peter" are here signified those who are in faith alone and by "John" the good of charity. From the words to Peter it is plain that they who are in the doctrine of faith alone will not acknowledge the Divine Human of the Lord, but they only who are in the good of charity. For this reason, also, something is to be said here as to what is meant by "loving the Lord." That faith without charity cannot be given, and that faith is from charity, also that the faith is such as the charity is, may be seen in New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine; and it will be seen in Apocalypse Explained, in many places.)

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