Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 1470

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1470. CONCERNING THE SPEECH OF THE CELESTIAL ANGELS The speech of the celestial angels is different from that of the spiritual. The celestial admit scarcely anything spiritual, for what is spiritual at once appears as something hard or material. This is effected by representations, as when the human mind is represented as to its two parts, namely the understanding and will. When the understanding is represented, and then the will, it appears to them as something hard which they do not admit for they have no idea of it; but when affection is represented everything hard and material immediately perishes, and this they do admit. When it is represented in such a manner that affection is within the understanding so that nothing intellectual appears - the intellectual being the form of the affection and thus becoming the will, so that the spiritual or intellectual idea of the will perishes - then do the celestial angels understand what the will is. It is similar when action is so represented that it is such as is the affection which is in the understanding, and thus in the will, and hence in the action, so that there is nothing but affection; provided that the affection constitutes its more interior things, and so is the one and the other. Then first is this understood by them.

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