Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 1412

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1412. Moreover, this veil was changed into a coarser one, like (rugs made of such [material] as the Dutch rugs on the floor where I now am).* The veil was verging to a yellow color. And at length, since she would still not desist from her tenacity she was completely rolled up in this veil into quite a thick roll, which was projected toward the back of the body, as though she was being projected. But later, and near me, the roll was revolved vertically, as though on another axis. Then she was liberated; for she afterwards spoke with me, and I perceived that she forced herself not to be of such a nature. Thus she was for this time amended to some extent. * The words in parentheses were written in Swedish: (mattor giorda af sadant som Hollenska mattorna pa golfwet derest jag nu ar.)

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