1247. While I was talking to them, they, supposing that they were still very great persons, and despising others in comparison with themselves, inquired where they were. It was given me to say that they were in the infernal chamber, which was also shown them by various things. When they wanted to pass into other societies so that they might be free and not be kept there, they were told that they could never be anywhere else, and that even if they were permitted to go wherever they wanted, they would of themselves still fall back into the same society, thus into that infernal chamber. Thus it is they who cast themselves thither, since they cannot desist from such pride and at the same time from deceits. In order that they might know this, they were let out to wander about, but they at once fell back of themselves; for such cupidities hold their "animus" bound, and cause them to return. They love to be in the dark; they say it is their delight that no one should hear them.