Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 238

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238. [241.] 101. I saw from various nations some people of knightly rank, who wore sashes draped from the shoulders over the chest, and jewels. I saw many of them, and when examined by angels they were found to have their sight continually focused on themselves, thinking of their greater eminence and distinction in comparison to others, and wishing all to turn their eyes to them. Now because they believed they were worthier than others to be set over others, they were for that reason given administrative positions; but when they began to make decisions regarding the public welfare, it was then perceived that they had no affection for the common good or for useful endeavors, and so neither could they distinguish good from evil, or truth therefore from falsity, with any judgment, but could only speak in a high-sounding manner from memory. Consequently, because they were of such a character, they were expelled from their posts, and they were permitted to wander about and obtain for themselves new positions. But wherever they went, people said that they thought only of themselves and not about them, thus that they thought only from a sensual, carnal sight. Therefore they were not accepted anywhere they went, and this repeatedly over some period of time. I afterward saw some of them reduced to extreme straits and begging for a pittance. Thus is a love of ruling humbled. One man who was also adorned with the insignia of knighthood confessed that whenever he wore that attire, he could not think as he did beforehand, because he was interrupted by thought of himself. But when he was at home, having cast aside the attire, he would regularly return to the judgment he possessed previously. Diabolical spirits are skilled in the art of seducing upright people by turning the people's thoughts to themselves and their own person. They praise them in various ways. They place themselves behind them and inspire in them a love of self. And whenever they perceive some element of blackness-which is the people's native character-and they search out what is there, they infuse it with their own thought and pervert it, indeed direct it. Some of them gaze at the people's foreheads and accomplish the same end. Others operate in other ways. Wherever the blackness appears, there the love of ruling exists, because it is the person's native character.

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