Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 214

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214. [216.] 76. Some Englishmen said that faith produces charity as a tree produces fruit, but they were shown that by a tree in those places* is meant not faith but a person, and that truths of faith are meant by its branches and leaves, and goods of love by its fruits. They were also told that natural affection or natural good, which is characteristic of love of self and love of the world, cannot be conjoined with a faith which is spiritual. If they are conjoined, the result is an, adultery. Moreover, they were told that spiritual good cannot be formed except through goodness of life, the good from which it arose. * See perhaps Matthew 3:10, 7:17-19, 12:33; Luke 3:9, 6:43, 44, 13:6-9. Cf. also Revelation 22:2.

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