Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 207

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207. [209.] 69. How much harm principles of falsity do and how far they turn the heart from things that ought to be done can be seen from many illustrations. As for example, one who believes that works contribute nothing to salvation turns his heart away from doing good deeds. One who believes adulterous affairs to be allowable turns his heart away from a chaste married love,* thus from chastity, indeed from purity of faith, for purity of faith is utterly in conflict with adulterous affairs. One who believes that nature accomplishes all things, and God only in a general way, puts his trust in his own prudence and does nothing good except of his own volition, on which account principles of falsity flow into his life; for the will does not act against principles seized on but in accordance with them. * Or, conjugial love.

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