Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 196

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196. [198.] 58. When they think in accordance with their doctrine about faith alone, and they have it contradicted by the statement from the Epistle of James that they should show their faith by works,* then what looks like a knife appears to fly out to kill those who are of that opinion, and on one side arises an image of Luther, and on the other, in the direction that the knife is flying, an image of James (although they themselves are not there), and this because Luther excluded the Epistle of James [from his canon].** * James 2:18. ** In his German translation of the New Testament, Luther moved Hebrews and James to the end with Jude and Revelation and left these four unnumbered, unlike the rest of the books, so that they appeared almost like an appendix. His intent was to remove them from the canon, but he was never able to separate them completely.

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