Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 188

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188. [190.] 52. I saw to the left, moreover, an incline upon which many of those caught up in faith alone ascended, and at the top they have there some bearded old man who had been bearded in the world, sometimes of a lowly condition. He persuades them that he is God the Father. It is a rock, with rocky areas surrounding it, and when the people do not wish to be seen, they take themselves behind the mountain. These people are ones who ambush all who do not believe as they do, supposing this to be permissible. They consider a life of charity of no value. By their interior qualities they are united with the hells. Those whom I saw around the lowest parts of the mountain looked like a great dragon stretching toward the nether regions, and its tail appeared so raised and extended as to reach from the top of the mountain to its base.

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