Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 154

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154. [154.] 21. In the western zone I saw a multitude whose speech sounded sincere, so that they would be believed from their speech to be models of honesty. By their speech and deliberations regarding honesty they were able to induce simple people to believe them honest; but still they were discovered to be inwardly like wolves, being without religion and therefore without conscience. I heard them considering ways by which to deceive the simple and rob them of their possessions, some in order to thus gain dominion; and then they assailed them from behind and infused evils. Thus they were able to subjugate them. However, this was seen in heaven, and they were cast into a hell around the western district of the central area; for they were embodiments of dishonesty and also of malice, devisers of stratagems for the sake of profiting and gaining dominion.

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