Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 144

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144. [145.] 12. I afterward saw a great number of people who peddled faith alone and yet had none themselves, because, whether educated or uneducated, they paid no attention to evils in their life, saying that they have the Word and the true doctrine, that they know the Lord, and much else, and that therefore they would be saved before all others. They were taken in a horde first toward the west, and afterward toward the south on the other side of the devastated Babylonian* district there, and on again toward the east, and so beyond, at which point some were separated and scattered toward the north, never to be seen again, and many were driven back, only to go forward again and then back again. This transferal took place in order to explore whether they had any of the faith they boasted of-namely, to see whether their faith was only a matter of knowledge, which is not faith, or whether there was some life in it, which is faith; and it was given them to perceive themselves that they had no faith, but only knowledge without life. * i.e., Roman Catholic

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