Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 134

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134. [135.] 2. Before the Last Judgment I often saw societies which they had made into seeming heavens for themselves purged and also destroyed. There was a certain rock on which stood a quite large city, inhabited by people who were caught up in faith separated from charity, believing as they had in the world that faith alone saves, and this out of mercy alone, whatever kind of life they had led. They were prompted by a lust to command, and therefore they stood at the edges of the rock and in various ways would torment those who were below. When the visitation took place, and all there were found to be of this character, I saw that rock sink down deep into the earth with the city and its inhabitants. Similar occurrences took place elsewhere. Prior to such an occurrence, however, the good are separated from the evil, and the evil placed at the center, and then the center sinks, the surrounding area remaining. In the surrounding area are those possessed of the goodness of faith, that is, those who are in a state of charity.

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