Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 111

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111. [112.] I also saw of the Catholic population a vast multitude of spirits who had been hidden away by the Lord and for a long time kept apart so as to be preserved from being infected by the idolatry of the rest, because they lived well and acknowledged the Lord. And these were conveyed, some to the south, some to the east, some to the west, and some to the north, in order to form some sort of heavenly society and be further instructed. To this end angels were sent to them, not only to instruct them, but also to protect them from cunning and guileful persons of their denomination and from the influx emanating from their hells. In short, many great societies have been established out of Catholics, and some of their number introduced into societies where the Word is freely read and the Lord worshiped. Then, after they have been instructed and have accepted truths of faith in the goodness of love, they are elevated into heaven; for it is not their fault that they were born into that denomination. All their little children are in heaven. But these are unaware of the falsities of their parents, not knowing that they are their parents. They are reared under the Lord's guidance by angels.

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