6974. 'And do not hear your voice' means if they show no sign of obedience either. This is clear from the meaning of 'hearing' as obedience, dealt with in 2542, 3869, 5017; from the meaning of 'the voice' as that which has been declared and that which has been declared before-hand, dealt with in 6971, 6972; and from the representation of Moses, whose 'voice' they were to hear, as the Lord in respect of Divine Law, that is, Divine Truth, thus in respect of the Word since that is where Divine Truth is. From all this it is evident that 'if they do not hear your voice' means if they show no sign of obedience either. The present verse, and verses 1 and 8 above, use the expressions 'if they do not believe' and 'if they do not hear', when yet both expressions seem to be much the same as each other, for one ,ho does not believe does not hear either. But the two are distinct from each other, for 'believing', which means [being in possession of] faith, is used with regard to truth which is the substance of faith, and so has reference to the understanding part of the mind, whereas 'hearing', which means obeying, is used with regard to good which is the substance of charity, and so has reference to the will part. For in the Word, especially the prophetical part, where truth is described by means of expressions particularly its own, so also is good described by means of those particularly its own, because of the heavenly marriage within each detail of the Word, which is a marriage of goodness and truth, see 683, 793, 801, 2173, 2516, 2712, 4138 (end), 6343.