2704. 'And gave the boy a drink' means teaching given in things that are spiritual. This is clear from the meaning of 'giving a drink' as giving teaching in truths, and from the meaning of 'the boy' as the spiritual as regards truth, dealt with in 2697. This state, which is a state when teaching is given, dealt with in this verse, is the third state of people who come out of vastation or desolation. For when they enter a state of enlightenment, that is, of heavenly light, dealt with in verse 18, see 2699, they are governed by the affection for knowing and learning truths, and when they are governed by that affection truths are imparted to them easily and so to speak spontaneously. People on earth receive those truths from the Word of the Lord or from doctrine, but those in heaven receive them from the angels who never feel more blessed and happy than when they are teaching brethren newly arrived among them and imparting to them the goods and truths which constitute heavenly order and so lead on to the Lord.