10627. 'Let [my] Lord, I beg You, go in our midst' means in order that what is Divine may be inwardly present in it. This is clear from the meaning of 'going' as living, dealt with in 3335, 4882, 5493, 5605, 8417, 8420, and, when it refers to the Lord's doing so, as His imparting life and being present; and from the meaning of 'in the midst' as inwardly present in it, dealt with in 1074, 5897, 6068, 6084, 6103, 9164. The reason why 'let Jehovah go in our midst' means in order that what is Divine may be inwardly present in the outward form is that Moses represents the outward form taken by the Word, the Church, and worship, which is receptive of what is inward. That outward form must have what is inward, namely that which is Divine, within it; and the outward form has what is Divine within it when in every single part it contains the internal sense, which is for the angels of every heaven. For this to be so the outward or literal sense must consist of pure correspondences; and it consists of these when every word and every group of words serve in the internal sense to mean spiritual and celestial realities. These are the Divine things inwardly present in the outward form.