27. Wisdom is from good through truths. How the Rational with man is conceived and born, nos. 2094, 2524, 2557, 3030, 5126. It is by an influx of the Lord through heaven into the knowledges and sciences which are with man, and an elevation thereby, nos. 1895, 1899, 1900, 1901. The elevation is according to uses, and the love of them, nos. 3074, 3085, 3086. The Rational is born through truths; wherefore according to their quality, such is the Rational, nos. 2094, 2524, 2557. The Rational is opened and formed through truths from good: and it is closed and destroyed through falsities from evil, nos. 3108, 5126. A man is not rational on account of his being able to reason on any subject, but on account of his being able to see and perceive whether a thing is true or not, no. 1944. A man is not born into any truth, because not into any good; but he has to learn and imbibe everything, no. 3175. With difficulty a man can receive genuine truths and become wise thereby, on account of the fallacies of the senses and the persuasions of the false, and on account of the reasonings and doubts arising thence, no. 3175. A man begins to be wise, when he begins to hold in aversion reasonings against truths, and to reject doubts, no. 3175. The unenlightened human Rational laughs at interior truths; from examples, no. 2654. Truths with a man are called interior when they are implanted in his life, and they are not called so from his being acquainted with them, even though they should be truths which are called interior, no. 10199. In good there is the faculty of becoming wise, wherefore those who while in the world have lived in good after their departure from the world come into angelic wisdom, nos. 5527, 5859, 8321. In every good there are innumerable things, no. 4005. Innumerable things may be known from good, no. 3612. Concerning the multiplication of truth from good, nos. 5345, 5355, 5912. Through truths, and a life according thereto, the good of infancy becomes the good of wisdom, no. 3504. There is the affection of truth, and the affection of good, nos. 1904, 1997. The quality of those who are in the affection of truth, and the quality of those who are in the affection of good, nos. 2422, 2429. Concerning those who are able to come into the affection of truth, and those who are not able, no. 2689. All truths are arranged in order under a general affection, no. 9094. The affection of truth and the affection of good in the natural man are as brother and sister, but in the spiritual man they are as man and wife (mulier) no. 3160. There are no pure truths with a man, and not even with an angel, but only with the Lord, nos. 3207, 7902. Truths with man are appearances of truth, nos. 2053, 2719. The first truths with man are appearances of truth from fallacies of the senses, which nevertheless are successively put off, as he is perfected with respect to wisdom, no. 3131. Appearances of truth with a man who is in good are accepted by the Lord for truths, nos. 2053, 3207. What, and of what quality appearances of truth are, nos. 3207, 3357-3362, 3368, 3404, 3405, 3417. The sense of the letter of the Word in many places is according to appearances, no. 1838. The same truths with one man are more true, with another less so, and with still another they are false, because falsified, no. 2439. Truths are also truths according to the correspondence between the natural and the spiritual man, nos. 3128, 3138. Truths differ according to the different ideas and perceptions [entertained] concerning them, nos. 3470, 3804, 6917. After a truth has been conjoined with good, it vanishes out of the memory, because it then becomes a matter of life, no. 3108. Truths can be conjoined with good only in a state of freedom, no. 3158. Truths are conjoined with good through temptations, nos. 3318, 4572, 7122. There is in good a constant endeavour of arranging truths in order, and of thereby restoring its state, no. 3610. Truths appear undelightful when the communication with good is intercepted, no. 8352. Only with difficulty can a man discriminate between truth and good, because only with difficulty can he distinguish between thinking and willing, no. 9995. Good, in the Word, is called the brother of truth, no. 4267. In a certain respect also good is called a lord, and truth, a servant, nos. 3409, 4267.