Conjugial Love (Chadwick) n. 107

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107. Without delay he took out the fourth, from which he read the following.

'We, the representatives under our window, have decided that conjugial love and sexual love share the same source, since conjugial love is the result of sexual love. The only difference is that sexual love is unrestricted, unbounded, free, promiscuous and inconstant; conjugial love is restricted, bounded, restrained, fixed and constant. This love has therefore been sanctioned and established by the prudence of human wisdom, because there would otherwise be no empires, kingdoms or republics, or even any communities at all. People would roam the countryside and forests in hordes with their trollops and women they had carried off, moving from one place to another to avoid bloody slaughter, rape and pillage, which would have wiped out the whole of the human race. This is our judgment about the source of conjugial love.

'We trace the strength or potency of conjugial love to the continuous preservation of bodily health from birth to old age. For a person who is continually safe and sound, with established good health, suffers no lack of vigour. His fibres, sinews and muscles, including those which control the testicles, do not become dull, relaxed and flagging, but retain their full strength and ability. Adieu.' This paper was signed with the latter A [for England].

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