Conjugial Love (Rogers) n. 107

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107. So after a moment the angel pulled out a fourth piece of paper, from which he read the following statement:

"We fellow countrymen under our window have decided that the origin of conjugial love is the same as the origin of love for the opposite sex, because it results from it. The difference is only that a love for the opposite sex is unrestricted, uninhibited, liberated, indiscriminate and fickle, while conjugial love is restricted, directed, contained, sure and constant. Conjugial love has therefore been prescribed and established by the prudence of human wisdom, because otherwise there would be no empire, no kingdom, no commonwealth, indeed no society, but people would roam through the fields and forests in bands and troops with licentious and stolen women, and they would flee from place to place to escape bloody slaughter, rape and pillage, by which the whole human race would be wiped out of existence. "That is our judgment regarding the origin of conjugial love. "As for the vigor or potency of conjugial love, however, we trace the origin of this from physical health that lasts throughout life from birth to old age. For a person who remains uninjured and possessed of steady good health does not lack in vigor. His fibers, sinews, and muscles, including the suspensory muscles of the testes, do not grow sluggish, loose and flabby, but continue in the strength of their powers. See that you stay well." This statement was signed below with the letter E.

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