Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 6091

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6091. And Jacob blessed Pharaoh. That this signifies a devout wish for conjunction and the consequent fructification, is evident from the signification of "to bless," as here being a devout wish for conjunction, namely, of truth with memory-knowledge in the natural, for this conjunction is here treated of. "To bless" signifies many things: in the spiritual sense it involves all things that are good and also all that are prosperous; and from this it signifies to be gifted with the good of love and of charity (see n. 3185, 4981); and it also signifies conjunction (n. 3504, 3514, 3530, 3565, 3584); and likewise fructification from the affection of truth (n. 2846); also a devout wish for prosperity (n. 3185); here therefore a devout wish for that which is here treated of, namely, for conjunction, and thus for fructification. For fructification follows from conjunction, because when conjunction has been effected, good increases and truth is multiplied, for there is then a marriage of good and truth, from which such effects are produced. This cannot be effected before, except as from whoredom; but the good from this source is spurious, and also the truth, the good having regard to self, and the truth deriving its savor from this good.

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