Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 5284

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5284. And God is hastening to do it. That this signifies in every event, is evident from the signification of "doing," when predicated of God, as being providence (n. 5264), whence also it is the event, for whatever is of the Divine Providence is certain to be the event; and from the signification of "hastening to do it," as being in every event. In the internal sense, "to hasten" or "haste" does not mean quickly, but certainly, and also fully, thus in every event; for haste implies time, and in the spiritual world there is no time, but instead of time state; thus haste in time has reference there to such a condition of state as corresponds; and the condition of state that corresponds is that there are many things acting together toward the result, and thus insuring a certain and full event.

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