Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 90

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90. [90] I spoke with the Mohammedans concerning the resurrection; that the Christians believe that the resurrection is first to take place with the destruction of the world; and that the bodies are then to be united to their souls, and to be gathered together from every quarter where they have been scattered; and that in the meantime they are spirits, of whom they have an idea as of wind, especially of the breath; and that thus they flit about either in the ether or in the starry heaven, without hearing, sight, or any other sense; and that they are in expectation of the judgment; and that those also are in this expectation who have died from the very beginning of this earth; who have thus flitted about in the universe now for six thousand years; and that some think that they are together in a certain place, which is not a place, but a somewhere or other; as also that the angels are such. Also that the Christians scarcely comprehend that man lives a man after death as in the world, for they cannot have an idea of the spiritual body; but that still, when they do not think from doctrine, they think of themselves after death, that they live as men, as when they are near to death: and that for that reason those who treat of the deceased write openly that they are among the angels, are speaking with them, are in white garments, in paradises; yet as soon as they come to any ideas from doctrine, they think, as was said, of man after death, and of an angel, as of wind. When these things were said, the Mohammedans then answered, that they wondered that such a fallacy can reign with Christians, who call themselves more enlightened than others; saying that they know that they are to live after death, are to live in happy marriage, and are to drink wine; and this after they have rejected the castoffs, which had served them for their ultimate clothing in that gross sphere, as a body there.

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