Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 80

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80. [79] It was afterwards disclosed whence were the two Mohammeds, who had obtained a seat in the Christian heaven: because one of them was born in Saxony, and taken by the Algerians; and he there adopted the Mohammedan religion, and became a ship captain. He was then taken by the Genoese, where he received the Christian religion: thus he became imbued with both religions, because he acknowledged the Lord: and being led by the love of ruling, he was therefore taken there instead of Mohammed, and infused into the Mohammedans the belief that he was Mohammed himself: he was clever. [Marginal Note:] [83] I have heard that Mohammed say that he acknowledges the Lord as the only God, in whom is the Father, who is one God with Him: and that the Holy proceeding from Him is the Divine filling the heavens, and making the heavens.

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