Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 79

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79. [78] There were Mohammedans in the western quarter dwelling upon rocks, who were rejected by the Mohammed in the Christian region, because they worshipped Mohammed as God, and adored him; which was forbidden them: and it was found that then they thought nothing respecting the Lord, not even respecting Him as the greatest Prophet, and the Son of God. And when it was inquired what kind of idea they had concerning God the Father, and it was found that they not only had not the idea of Him as a man, but none at all, and without an idea of God there is not given conjunction with any heaven; it was said to them that they could rather have the idea of God respecting the Lord, because He was the greater Prophet, and the Son of God: but they said that they could not, for He was of a wandering nation. Since they worshipped Mohammed, therefore Mohammed himself, who wrote the Koran, and was buried at Mecca, was taken from his place, which was to the right deeply behind the right foot, and he was elevated a little above the earth, and was shown to them. He appeared gross and black, altogether similar to corporeal spirits, who have little of life. He spoke with them, confessed that it was he, and that he was such: and after he had been shown, he was carried down into his place; but those worshippers of Mohammed were dispersed.

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