Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 66

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66. [65] Anthony of Padua appeared to me in front a little below, at the plane of the foot. He appeared in a dark garment; and I spoke to him as to whether he supposed he was a saint. He at first answered that he was not at all a saint: but still it was perceived that he retained the pride, that he wished to be one; on which account I spoke with him more severely. When anyone comes to him, he is led to say, that he can introduce no one into heaven, and that he knows nothing at all about being invoked; that this is a falsity. When they inquire of him what heaven is, whether it is the Lord, and whether it is love from Him and to Him and mutual love, this he does not know: on which account other spirits, from whom he wishes to get away, and cannot, mock at him. An interior craftiness has been observed in him. He endeavors to be worshipped in secret ways; but he fears: for he would be thrust down to lower places, where he suffers hard things. He can by art bind the ideas of the thought of others. He has conjunction with the Jesuits who appear in white.

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