Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 34

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34. [33] But the angels said that there was some hope of him; because as often as he had thought from his spirit in the world, that is, when left to himself in tranquillity, he had thought about good works, and made them a matter of religion; and it was thence that he spoke so much and wrote so much concerning the good of life, though he did not make it a part of his doctrine, nor to be done for the sake of eternal life; since man cannot do good from himself; and if he does, it is for the sake of heaven, and is a matter of merit. But yet, when he came out of the thought of his spirit into discourse with others, he then, as if turned round, spoke concerning faith alone. He does in like manner at this day. This was the reason that he rejected from the Word the Epistle of James, and also Revelation.

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