Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 20

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20. also that the city was double and triple, or city under city; and when one descends by ladders, he comes into a new city, where those reside who are different as to affections. They said that their streets are everywhere roofed over, because sometimes from the rocks round about, which are somewhat higher, they are looked at by the evil who are skilled in the perversion of souls by means of ideas, and in inducing lusts that are not congruous; and that they know how to bind the ideas, if by any means they penetrate; by which they were kept in anxiety, and as it were bound; and this even to despair: which was also shown me to the life. If anyone comes to them, who is of another genius, and therefore disagrees as to the affections and the thoughts thence, they order him to go away; and when he goes, he everywhere finds the gates closed: on which account he is led to other gates that he may go out, but he still finds them closed: and in the meantime they breathe into him a longing to go out; and this is done until he becomes so weary, that he can no longer endure it; and only then is he let out: and when let out he does not return, on account of the vexation into which he has been driven. The Dutch, more than the rest in the Christian world, know what fantasy is, and what reality; so that they cannot be deluded, like others.

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