Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 19

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19. I was in the spirit, and it was then granted me to wander through a rather distinguished city, in which were Dutch. All the streets in it were seen to be roofed over, and in the streets were closed gates of wood; on which account, without leave from some overseer, it was not permitted to wander around. But afterwards it was granted me to speak with the magistrates, who dwelt in the middle of the city; by whom I was examined as to whence I came, and what I wanted: and when they understood that it was only for the sake of seeing, that I might make known to their brethren who were still in the world, what their lot was, and what kind of dwellings they had; they then related to me many things, especially that they who dwelt there were among the prudent and intelligent from that nation; and that there are many such cities, distinct according to the affections and perceptions of truth from good; and that they were in the world of spirits; and that after some time passed there, they were taken up thence into heaven, and introduced into societies there, and became angels:

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