Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 194

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194. [196] I was led through societies or mansions of heaven, and I spoke with many. And when I came to mansions of the third heaven, where are the celestial, I wished to speak with them about the knowledges which are called knowledges of faith and which in themselves are truths. I marveled that they did not wish to make any response to these things. They said that they see all things in themselves from the love in which they are, which was love to the Lord and mutual love, saying that the truths of their faith were inscribed on their life, and that therefore they see them from the light of truth which is from the Lord, and this because in good is contained all truth. They also said, What are knowledges except for the sake of uses? and uses are goods, and goods are of love. It was told me that they are of this nature because, in the world, they had applied all the truths they had heard to their life. All their love and all their faith consists in deeds.

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