Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 177

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177. [177] Afterwards societies were formed most distinctly according to all the genera and species of the affections of good and of truth; and also corresponding infernal societies. All spirits, after they have been vastated, are now led along by designated ways tending to the interior societies which correspond and are analogous to their life; nor are they allowed as before to turn aside in any other direction, or to stay in other places, still less to form for themselves societies and as it were heavens, according to life in externals. It is perhaps believed in the world, that man is saved and comes into heavenly societies according to his thoughts which are of the understanding of truth; but no one is saved according to these, but according to affections and thoughts thence, thus according to the good of the will and thence the truth of the understanding. For man is man from his will and his understanding thence, and not from the truth of the understanding separate from the good of the will; the understanding merely teaches how man must will and act. Many are led along the designated ways with difficulty, for they wish to go to the sides where they are sensible of the presence of the good both below and above, to whom they are eager to do evil; for all ways are such as are the societies above and below them.

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