Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 175

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175. [175] Some of this character were let out of hells in order that they might be transferred to another hell. And it was then permitted them to act according to their will. Then they at once desired to force their way up to higher places by means of phantasies, and they were in the endeavor to do evil. It was recalled to their memory that, in hell, they had said to each other, that if it were allowed them to go out, they would be just as wise as others. Certain ones then spoke with them, saying something of intelligence in which was the light of truth; and when they heard them they were seized with such anguish that they fled away. This was done several times in order that it might be confirmed that such spirits, even when the state is changed, do not sustain the light of truth, thus of intelligence. They said that they were doing them harm, but answer was made that with each other they said otherwise. Hence it was made clear that they who are in hell can never live in the light of heaven, thus in heaven; and least of all in the heat of heaven, which is love.

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