Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 156

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156. [156] They were explored as to what idea they had concerning God. It was found that they had thought only of God the Father, and of the Lord as like themselves; this is their belief, that the Father has compassion for the Son's sake. And they had then thought nothing concerning the Divine of the Lord. Thus, when they thought of one God they had not at the same time thought of the Lord; when yet the Father cannot be approached, since no one seeth Him but the Son alone; and that the Lord is the Way, thus that the Father is to be approached by Him; and that faith must be a faith in Him, and not in the Father. Hence they could have no determinate idea of God except as of wind, or ether, or as of nature in its leasts; and there is no Divine idea of the Lord when He is thought of as a common man. The angels complained that they were disturbed by their idea, which was communicated to them; and very many of these spirits were brought down into the quarters round about. And the places to which they came then appeared gloomy; for the true idea of God makes clearness itself. Some of them were brought into places underneath according to their life; some in order that they might be further informed. And then only those who have lived well receive a Divine idea concerning the Lord. I saw that those succeeded to their place who had been kept concealed by the Lord lest they be hurt by the contagion; these are meant in Revelation 20 by those who were slain and were delivered out of the sepulchers.

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