Divine Love and Wisdom (Rogers) n. 141

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141. We must also say something about loves, because we are discussing the turning of angels and spirits toward their loves in accordance with their loves. The whole of heaven is distinguished into societies in accordance with all the different kinds of loves existing there. So, too, hell. And so also the world of spirits. Heaven, however, is distinguished into societies in accordance with different kinds of heavenly loves; hell into societies in accordance with different kinds of hellish loves; and the world of spirits into societies in accordance with different kinds of both heavenly and hellish loves. There are two loves which head all the rest, or to which all other loves are related. The love which is at the head of all heavenly loves or to which all other heavenly loves are related is love toward the Lord. And the love which is at the head of all hellish loves or to which all other hellish loves are related is a love of ruling stemming from a love of self. These two loves are diametrically opposed to each other.

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