630. 'And adore Him Who has made the heaven and the land and the sea and the fountains of waters' signifies that the Lord Only ought to be worshipped, because He Only is the Creator, Saviour and Redeemer, and from Him Only do the angelic heaven and the Church and all the things thereof exist. That by 'to adore' is signified to acknowledge as holy may be seen above (n. 579, 580, 588, 603), and therefore by 'to adore', when said of the Lord, is signified to acknowledge as the God of heaven and earth and to worship. By 'to make the heaven and the land and the sea and the fountains of waters' in the natural sense is understood to create them, but in the spiritual sense it signifies to make the angelic heaven and the Church and all the things thereof, for by 'the heaven' in the spiritual sense is signified the angelic heaven. By 'the land and the sea' in that sense is signified the Church internal and external (n. 403, 404, 420, 470), and by 'the fountains of waters' are signified all the truths of the Word of service to the Church for doctrine and life (n. 409). [2] That Jehovah the Creator is the Lord from what is eternal, and that the Lord the Saviour and Redeemer is the Lord born in what is temporal, thus as to His Divine Human, can be established from THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE LORD from beginning to end. Who is not able to understand that there is one God the Creator of the universe, and not three Creators? also that the creation had for its end the heaven and Church [formed] out of the human race, concerning which ANGELIC WISDOM CONCERNING DIVINE PROVIDENCE (n. 27-45) may be seen. It is for that reason that by 'to make heaven and the land' in the spiritual sense is signified to make the angelic heaven and the Church. These [words of this verse] were said for the same reason as mentioned above (n. 613), where what is signified by their having the Father's Name written on their foreheads is expounded; and because that was said, therefore it is said here 'adore Him Who made the heaven, the land, the sea and the fountains of waters'.