Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 1462

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1462. These things seem to refer to the educated, who are superficial people, and who grasp and teach only outward matters and thus insist on the literal [meaning of the Word], explaining it according to their own mind. They now take it literally, now inwardly, thus distorting, and using both meanings to support their opinions. Such people seem to be meant here, who pursue the inward and very inward meaning of the Word, especially those who consider themselves more educated than the rest, despising others in comparison with themselves, and who are likewise arrogant, coveting things of the body and the world. It appears to mean that these pursued him who portrays the inward meaning. Whether something of this kind will redound on the doctrine, I do not yet know. At least I know that the uneducated do not do this. 1748, 16, 17 March.

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