18. After this conversation a shining cloud suddenly came beneath the sun, a cloud which did not dull its light but transmitted it, and in that shining cloud appeared angels as it were with trumpets, and around them altars and tables, on which lay heaps of half-open books; and above the cloud the Lord appeared speaking from the sun with the angels. Then dew fell in drops from the cloud, which, as it was scattered around, hardened into manna. The angels picked up some of it and gave it to their companions, who ate it. After a quarter of an hour a shower was seen to fall from the cloud, which the angels called a morning shower; when it fell it dissolved the manna into the dew it had been before. This formed into sweet-tasting droplets, and soon became completely liquefied, ran into the ground and penetrated it. Then there were heard from those that lived beneath that piece of ground joyous cries, 'Look, come out, be quick, drops are falling, blessed water from heaven, we are being sprinkled.' It was the dissolved manna which was dripping down upon them.