38. UNDERSTANDING (Intellectus). INTELLIGENCE (Intelligentia).
Love makes for itself wisdom, intelligence and knowledge, that it may exist (illustrated, 12). (See LOVE.)
All love and all wisdom, or all good and truth, are from the Lord (33 [CL 84]).
The reciprocal union of love and wisdom, or of good and truth (36-38 [CL 89]). (See LOVE.)
This union in man is from the Lord (39, 40 [CL 92]). (See LOVE.)
Description of the quality of the will and the understanding with man, and with woman, before and after marriage (54 [CL 90]).
Concerning the highest intellectual, the higher, and the lower, in man; and concerning its influx, successively (57). (See INFLUX.) Every unit in the understanding consists of myriads (68 [CL 329]).
How the wisdom of the understanding is conjoined with the will's love (illustrated, n 75e [CL 92, 93]).