45. 1895. As for dreams specifically, they are brought on, as said before [43], by spirits themselves, and this was made so plain to me that I came to know it for certain. I even got to speak quite often with the very spirits who had been present and had introduced the dreams, being fully informed in this way that they originate from no other source. But they are of a twofold, in fact, a threefold kind, as has been said [43], just like the spirits themselves who are permitted to bring them on - which is in the hands of God the Messiah Alone. [Dream, Sleep] [See WE 1926-27, explaining Gen. 37:13.] 1928. One who is acquainted with heavenly portrayals, knows of the instantaneous substitution of one person for another, and even of a good spirit in place of an evil one, and so on. He will not be surprised that the same phenomenon occurs in the Word of God the Messiah, namely, that now Jacob is named, now Israel, thus in place of an evil spirit, a good one. This was such a frequent occurrence with me, in the beginning, that I was absolutely unable to tell whether a spirit was evil, or good, except from