Athanasian Creed (Worcester) n. 201

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201. That the Lord is God who alone is to be worshiped, is clearly manifest from this: that the hells are filled with the most bitter hatred against the Lord; not so against the Father, whom also some hells call the Creator of the universe, from the habit of speaking that was formed in the world, and this without hatred; but all the hells are against the Lord; they are not willing, neither are they able, to name Him, and to all of them it is most delightful to torment those who adore the Lord, and this enjoyment of theirs is extreme. (Gyllenborg, for an example.) A sphere against the Lord is exhaled from all the hells, and a sphere for the Lord from all the heavens; hence is equilibrium. (A trial was made with Gyllenborg, to ascertain whether he was able to refrain from tormenting me in the breast; and this by manifold punishments; but he was not able. He and others confessed that this was their chief enjoyment.)

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