Athanasian Creed (Worcester) n. 192

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192. (Let it also be described how He could expel the maternal human - namely, that the maternal human was infirm which adheres to nature; and because that is evil, it was in correspondence with hell. When this is expelled, then succeed those things which are concordant with the Divine and in correspondence with it. For the body is only a correspondence of the soul or spirit of man; and there is correspondence with heaven so far as this is removed; so also, what is new is set in its place, and thus man is regenerated and is made spiritual and an angel. The Lord, however, whose soul was the Divine Itself, made His body correspondent with the Divine Itself that was in Him; and thus above heaven. But evil, with man, cannot be expelled, but is removed. Because he is not in life in himself, and because he is not the Divine as to soul, but is only a recipient of the Divine, therefore man dies, as to the body. But the Lord from the Divine in Himself expelled the evil which was from the mother; wherefore He rose with the whole body. He retained the infirm while He was in the world because in no other way could He be tempted, and least of all on the cross; there the whole maternal was expelled.)

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