Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 82

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82. [CONCERNING MEMORY, AND CONCERNING THE GOVERNMENT OF MAN BY GOD MESSIAH] (1) Man is a spirit clothed with a body. (Corpus, Homo, Spiritus.) (2) Spirits do not enjoy a sensual memory, nor do angels. (Memoria.) (4) When I was in company, not as a spirit, but as a man, of myself I could take nothing from my own memory. (Conversaria, Memoria.) (5) Man cannot live without the governance of spirits. Therefore God Messiah, who governs spirits, governs the whole human race. (Dominus, Homo, Spiritus.) (6) Were God Messiah to relax His governance for a moment, man would at once be precipitated into insanities and the most atrocious death. (Dominus, Insania, Mori.)

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