77. [CONCERNING THE CUNNING OF SPIRITS] The cunning and malice of certain spirits, when they are permitted to infuse cupidities and persuasions, cannot be described; their nature can be recognized only from their end. (Dolus, Finis, Malitia, Persuasio.) Cunning and malignant spirits seduce learned men and acute philosophers more easily than others, because with them they can twist together many falsities. (Doctus, Philosophia.) Nevertheless even the most cunning and malignant spirits have no power. (Potentia.)* * WE 3592, written in April 1746, probably refers to this section. Dealing with the phantasies signified by "noxious flying things" (Exod. viii 21), it states that they cannot exist with spiritual men or sons of Israel", and finishes as follows: "Man is redeemed by God Messiah alone. Thus there can be no power to injure them according to what is said below; see the end (of this Tome II) at the sign ( ) where the cunning of evil spirits is treated of."
77 1/2. [CONCERNING SIMPLE SPIRITS] There are simple spirits who speak and think scarcely anything from themselves, but from others, such being their nature. (Cogitatio, Loqui, Simplex, Spiritus.)