3044. THE SPIRITS OF JUPITER [SAY] CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF OUR PLANET [telluris], THAT WORSE CANNOT BE GIVEN. (Certain spirits of Jupiter were with me: at first they did not wish to come, because they knew that spirits here [were] evil: certain ones were still here, and it was permitted to spirits of this earth to act by means of evils inspired by their craftiness, by deceit, [and] openly: some of whose [arts] I perceived: for interior spirits were acting: I am in doubt, whether this be my first experience of them. Then the interior evil spirits acted into [on] them, and [these] sustained it a long time, for it was [granted them] from the Lord; at last they confessed that they suppose that worse [spirits] are never given. - 1748, September 3; for they perverted their imaginations and thoughts in such a manner, that [these spirits of Jupiter] were as if bound, so as to seem secure [capable] of being extricated as also I perceived within me).