Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2697

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2697. But the angelic [idea] which is the beginning [principle] [principium] of the idea of the interior spirits, or from which, as from its principle, springs the idea of interior spirits, is of as it were something, which [was] inexpressible, with indefinite variety, but the notion whereof was granted me several times in sleep: by means of such [ideas] they not only think but also speak with each other, and are in light, which ideas if they had been told, it would not appear to any mortal. It is only permitted to say that their speech and ideas and felicities hence [derived] are the continual principles of the speech, ideas and felicities of interior spirits [and] thereby of the speech, ideas and pleasantnesses of inferior spirits or of men. - 1748, July 28.

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