2688. THAT HE WHO LIVES IN FAITH IN THE LORD, THUS IN THE LORD CANNOT AT ALL BE VIOLATED BY THE EVIL, BECAUSE [HE IS] IN THE ORDER OF NATURAL, SPIRITUAL AND CELESTIAL THINGS. It is granted to see from a spiritual general [communi] idea, that he who lives in order can by no means be violated by evil; for the universal heaven is held [kept] in order by the Lord alone, because He alone is order. There is an order of celestial, hence of spiritual, hence of natural things, in which order the universal heaven is held by the Lord, which unless it were held in order by the Lord alone, the universe would perish: for from Him, each and all things derive their principles [beginning]. The order of celestial and spiritual things is faith, and whatever pertains to faith in the Lord: Naturals are as it were, vessels, instruments, and organs [organica] and natural truths, which concern natural uses and ends are such vessels wherein spirituals are insinuated, and in these celestials, by the Lord, no one knowing [sciente et cognoscente] when and how. It is not [done] by the angelic heaven, for the Lord is the all in all of the good and true. - 1748, July 26.