Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2662

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2662. CONCERNING A TUMULT UNDER THE SOLE OF THE LEFT FOOT. I have several times heard, a certain commotion under the sole of the left foot, even so that it vibrated tremulously, with manifest sensation, and because this was several times perceived, I did not wish to inquire what it might be, supposing that it was the murmur of some multitude: I have now inquired what it might be: it was replied thence, that they were those who come from the world and have been obsessed by the cupidity of fighting and killing men. These seem to themselves to act similarly in the other life, and seem to themselves to kill and mangle each other, to cut of each other's hands and arms, and so to fight, as they have desired in life: they are there miserably treated, and indeed with a sense of pains, until they are no longer obsessed by such a desire. - l748, July 21.

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