1491. No one could suspect them of these things on their first appearance, for a society of such spirits acts as softly as good spirits, indeed they simulate the angels in their fluidity, and I was surprised upon being told that they were of such a character. But it was said that when they are in society they are bound to act together, and care is taken lest one should harm another in any way, or say and still less do anything injurious to another; as soon as this happens then one acts against the other. But what they are interiorly was represented to me by a change of their fluidity into subtle collisions, as it were, and in this way they are dispersed and sent into other societies, until at length they can remain nowhere, and their hatreds and revengeful loves burst forth and are thus made manifest before spirits and angels. Because they had simulated the celestial in their bodily life, they are also permitted to simulate them in the other life, yea, they even appear on high above the head towards the front, where are the celestial. (Their place or height effects nothing, as you may see observed previously) [n. 636].