Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 1455

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1455. They cannot be called the internal memory because, as I have now been instructed, in them there is the faculty of thinking, that is, internal sensation gives this faculty. I could scarcely speak with them except by a kind of active thought; they can understand this much better than the speech of words which they hate and are unwilling to hear. They suppose that they are the thought rather than internal sensation, as they say. They have not, however, the faculty of judgment, but only a delight in cognitions; nevertheless they can also be called simply thought, for without it there is no interior sensation. But thought and judgment differ greatly. mThey are not the thought from judgment because they do not draw conclusions concerning use and end, from the end.n

1455 1/2.* Spirits of the planet Mercury go in cohorts and troops. Many are now assembled and together form as it were a globe, and in this way they are united by the Lord so that they may act as a one, and be of one sentiment and mind. Otherwise, like internal sensation, they would be easily dissipated, for they must be held together as a one by the Lord. When they speak, or when a spirit speaks what they think, then together they are moved like a great roll, and indeed by such a great undulation that my right foot, as it were, undulated, and also the earth upon which it stood. This signifies that man can by no means live as to the understanding without internal sensation, for since the foot walks it signifies to live in the body. * In the printed text 1455 1/2 is placed before 1455. Because of the search program we had to reverse these passages so both could be found under 1455. NewSearch98 footnote.

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